Teensy Weensy Faith

Expect the Unexpected

Finding Fulfillment

This Land is MY Land

Dying of Thirst

Called to Lead

Rebuilding upon Old Foundations

Remember to Take Off Your Shoes!

Flint-Stone Faith

The Sign: Swaddling Clothes and a Manger

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
The other day, a friend asked me to explain the meaning behind the Christmas hymn, O Come, O Come Emmanuel. I have always loved this beautiful song, with its haunting melodies and deep sense of longing. May a look at the meaning behind the first verse of this hymn bless you this Christmas season.

The Unseen Miracle

A Rock Solid Memory!

Waiting and Walking

Inside or Outside?

Words of Eternal Life

A Tale of 50 Tents

Feeds His Flock Like a Shepherd

Grass or Glory?