Wisdom Lesson 4 - Protasis and Apodosis

Welcome to Wisdom lesson 4 and to the ancient world of protasis and apodosis! What is protasis and apodosis, you ask? It is a Greek phrase for a dependent and independent clause within a conditional sentence. If you’re confused, don’t worry. There’s a simpler definition. Think of it as If—Then. For example, IF this happens, THEN that will happen as a result!

In Proverbs 2:4-5 we learn that:

If thou seekest Wisdom as silver, and searchest for her as hidden treasures; Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God.

This is just epic! If you seek for Wisdom as if you were searching for hidden treasure then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God! What an amazing promise. Let’s put this into perspective. Do you realize what could happen if you found the knowledge of God? Anything! Everything! To possess the knowledge of God is to open the door of imagination, discovery, invention, creation, and innovation. It is the intimate pursuit of God Himself. Wisdom, then, should be life’s most important quest. I cannot emphasize this enough—the pursuit of Wisdom is more important than a college education; it’s more important than anything if you are a follower of Christ.

If you’re wondering where to start, Wisdom lesson 4 makes it clear (note the if statements below):

My son, if you receive my words and treasure up my commandments with you, making your ear attentive to wisdom and applying your heart to discernment; yes, if you cry out for insight and lift your voice for discretion…(2:1-3)

Let’s pause there. If you are to acquire the rewards that Wisdom offers, then it is going to take diligence and sacrifice. Acquiring Wisdom comes at a cost. She requires you to:

1. Receive her words

2. Treasure up her commandments

3. Make your ear attentive to her

4. Apply your heart to discernment

5. Cry out for insight

6. Lift your voice for discretion

7. Seek her as silver

8. Search for her as for hidden treasures

If you seek wisdom according to her 8 requirements then not only will you understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God, but you will also receive one of my favorite rewards—knowledge will become pleasant to your soul (2:10).

Friends, as you pursue Wisdom, your enjoyment of learning will exponentially increase! You will become more inquisitive and your new-found curiosity will lead you to see and hear things that you never considered before. These inspirations will then lead you to become more imaginative, creative, and productive.

And there’s more!

Then shalt thou understand righteousness, and judgment, and fairness;

yes, every good path; so that you will be delivered from:

1. The character of the evil man who speaks with an enticing

froward speech;

2. The woman of unknown character, even from the enticing

woman who flatters with her words (2:10-16).

Wisdom lesson 4 is rich in rewards and promises of protection. As I approach my 67th year of life on this earth, I am convinced that our primary focus in parenting and in life is the pursuit of Wisdom. For if we raise our children to pursue Wisdom more than silver and hidden treasure, then you can be sure that they will be prepared for much more than college. Their pursuit of Wisdom will enable them to understand the fear of the LORD, find the knowledge of God, enjoy learning, and be protected from men and women of enticing, unknown character.

May we all choose Wisdom!


Dr. Mark Hamby

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