Discipline—The Price of Freedom

I once shared with my staff the following statement penned by author Elton Trueblood, "Acceptance of discipline is the price of freedom."

This statement motivated one of our staff members to lose thirty pounds in one year.

The pole vaulter is not free to experience the thrill of victory except he disciplines himself rigorously day after day.

Trueblood said, "The freedom of the surgeon to use his knife or laser to cut away the bony structure close to a tiny nerve without severing it, arises from discipline."

John Milton once wrote, "There is not that thing in the world of more grave and urgent importance, throughout the whole of life of man, than is discipline."

Jesus said, "The meek shall inherit the earth" (Matthew 5:5). What does this have to do with discipline? The word “meek” in Greek is praos, which is used to describe wild animals that had been trained and tamed to work with men. Not weak or spiritless, but with a channeled energy whose impulses have been directed into a focused service.

Discipline is the price of freedom, and there are no shortcuts. It starts with a decision followed by a commitment of sacrifice and perseverance.

Important Resources for Today:


The Divine Stranger


From the River to Eternity!