New Dark Ages

We live in an A-literate culture; a culture where people can read but don't. We are entering, according to Neil Postman, a new Dark Age--a time when people didn't read. An age where manners and morals were at their lowest level. It was a cruel, demoralizing, perverted time in human history—and we are not too far from it again.

 It is interesting that at as early as seven years of age children were treated like adults...the reason is that this was the age when children had mastered the vocabulary...both adults and children spoke the same language and as a result, children were allowed to enter the adult world.

 Today, with our entertainment revolution, children have once again been brought into the adult world--they speak the same language, they dress like adults. Can anything be done to reverse this trend? Yes, the same action that closed the Dark and Middle ages is needed today. The Printing press was invented and people started to read. Beginning with the Scriptures, lives were dramatically changed. Churches grew, schools and universities shot up, businesses were created and the feudal system began to crumble, because mankind once again started to reflect the image of their Creator.

 Psalm 19 states that The Words, Law, and Rules of God, revive the soul, makes wise the simple, enlightens the eyes, rejoices the heart, warns us, helps us discern our errors, and in keeping them, there is great reward. Moms and dads please put away the childish entertainment of the tv, the video games, or the fox and cnn channels, and begin reading stories of moral courage so that your children will have models to follow. Let's light this age up a little. Actually, let's light it up a lot!

 Recommended Reading: Jack the Conqueror, Ransacked in Russia, Rising to the Top.


Hear and Obey


Proverbs 1 - Seven Characters