Remember to Take Off Your Shoes!
Reflective Reading: Joshua 5
Welcome back to part two of our study in Joshua chapter 5!
Last week we saw three unusual commands given just before the battle of Jericho. The first, circumcision, required intimate wounding prior to the defeat of difficult enemies.
Today, we’re going to talk about the other two commands: Passover and the command to remove one’s shoes. Before we begin, be sure to keep in mind that these events are written theologically. They are to be understood sequentially and have the same meaning for us today as they had three thousand years ago.
Let’s begin. At this point in time, Passover has not been celebrated since the Israelites left Egypt. Why now, and why after circumcision? I’m sure there are many spiritual applications, but one that stands out is that of remembrance. Since pain often causes us to forget and think only of the present uncomfortable circumstances, remembering God’s past deliverances and provisions is essential if we are to overcome the present painful circumstances.
The Passover was to help the children of Israel remember all that God had done for them. Today, the Passover has been replaced with communion. Each time we partake in communion we are commanded to examine ourselves and remember the broken body and shed blood of our Lord Jesus. It is remembering that helps us to endure difficult assignments and intimate wounding. Jesus said,
“This is my body, which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.”
“This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.” (I Corinthians 11:24-26).
His broken body and shed blood are our reminders of what he went through so that we might become free. This reminder is what compels us to take up our cross and follow him, regardless of the cost.
This brings us to the third and final command in Joshua chapter 5: the command to take off our shoes. Seemingly out of nowhere, a soldier of the highest rank shows up—The Captain of the LORD of hosts. Standing a short distance away, with drawn sword in hand, this mighty, Divine Being commands Joshua to take off his shoes.
Prior to this command, Joshua had courageously approached this mighty soldier and asked, “Are you for us, or for our adversaries?” The stranger responds, “No!” I don’t think Joshua was expecting this response. Can you imagine, meeting a Divine Being and the first word you hear from him in response to your question is “No!” What does this mean? This Divine solider is neither for Israel or their adversary. That’s a little scary. What does he mean that he’s not for Israel? I thought God was backing Israel on their pilgrimage to the promised land? Let’s dig a little deeper into this response.
The Captain of the LORD of hosts has come on behalf of himself! Hmm…that’s interesting. God himself has not come to fight on Israel’s behalf. He has come to fight on his own behalf. In light of this introduction, the Captain (who I believe is Jesus himself) commands Joshua to take off his shoes because the ground he’s standing on is holy ground.
What is the meaning of it all? Looking back, this isn’t the first time God has given these same requirements of circumcision, Passover, and the removal of one’s shoes. God required the same of Moses. God requires the same for us. If we are to serve the Lord, lead others, destroy idolatrous strongholds and “every imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of God,” then it often requires intimate wounding, remembering, and a sanctified humble life (removal of the world’s influence).
Are you facing a difficult assignment? Have you been intimately wounded? But be of courage! In fact, be more than of good courage:
“Be strong and very courageous; fear not, neither be shattered, for the LORD God is with you, wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9).
My friends, not only will God be with us but “faithful is he who calls us, who will also do it” (1 Thessalonians 5:24)!
Mark Hamby
M.S., M. Div., Th. M., D. Min.
Recommended Reading and Listening:
Trusty Meets Bully Blare: Illustrated – (Ages 2-6)
Trusty Faces his Fear: Illustrated – (Ages 2-6) Trusty Faces His Fear Short Film
Rosa of Linden Castle – (Ages 9+) This is one of my favorite Von Schmid stories. A little girl’s father is imprisoned by an evil knight. Following the wise words of the woodsman, she disguises herself and becomes a servant girl to the knight’s wife. Gaining their trust, she is able to feed the prisoners, leading ultimately to feeding her father. After a daring rescue, this little girl is given an even greater opportunity, not just that of freeing her father, but of freeing decades of bitterness and setting the real captives free!