Nothing is Impossible with God!

Dear Friends,

I’ve never seen anything like this before! God keeps blessing in ways that are beyond explanation. Before I share some of the exciting news, I wanted to share a special short devotional from 3rd John as we close out 2021. Below is the link to the video and a link to an interesting Christmas podcast on the missing king in the genealogy of Jesus. These two links are my way of saying thank you for your support, generosity, and grace. You are the fellowhelpers that John talks about in 3rd John! You’ll learn why when you watch the video.


Now for the exciting news! Many gifts have come in this week to help support and expand the ministry. We are thrilled and humbled by your generosity, graciousness, and trust. We do not receive these gifts without realizing that he who has been given much is responsible for much. On to the exciting news: Our supporters, a few hours ago, gave a gift that will enable us to purchase one of the two houses connected to our ministry. We now have room for more student and staff housing. And praise God, many gifts have come in that will allow us to take the initial steps toward the expansion of the bindery, shipping, and loading dock! By faith, we have scheduled a meeting with an architect on January 6th and hope to start building this spring!

While the world lives in fear, there is "a great and effective door for service opened unto to us, and there are many adversaries.” Paul doesn’t say, “But there are many adversaries,” he said, “And.” Adversaries are a part of life. There are going to be setbacks, conflicts, sickness, and resistance, and in the midst of it all, God will keep opening doors to advance His kingdom and righteousness! For faithful is he who calls, who will also do it (I Thess 5:24).

Whatever you are facing or have faced in 2021, I pray that despair will be turned into deliverance, fear into faith, and longing into love. Because of you, we are walking through these new doors by faith and looking forward to what God will do in 2022! Enjoy the short video and podcast.

Jesus is coming soon!

Mark Hamby


The Art of Spear Throwing


Hear and Obey