The Little Screaming Machine

I admit it. I’m writing out of exasperation! For the last two hours on this plane, a little girl has been screaming continuously. No, it’s not because her ears are hurting. She takes a gasp of air, looks up at me and smiles, only to look back at her caregivers as they hand her back and forth and start screaming again. And all three caregivers have headphones on!

To exacerbate the problem, I haven’t had any sleep to speak of for thirty-nine hours. But even without sleep deprivation, this little screaming machine would have rattled the nerves of any saint. Even the six-foot-nine giant sitting next to me was sweating, and by the time we landed he looked like death-run-over—twice!

Okay, enough of the drama, as my wife would tell me. Here’s the bottom line. As I travel and observe young parents, I am concerned about the lack of discipline for outright disobedience. Yes, God’s mercies are greater than His judgment, but it is also true that children left to themselves will bring shame to their mother. 

Undisciplined children have a strong inclination to be self-centered and prideful. Even those with a tender temperament need correction. I am particularly concerned about parents who allow their children to interrupt adult conversations. These children grow up thinking they are the center of the universe, and that what they have to say is more important than respecting their elders. 

Children are born with a sin nature. I’m sorry, but they are not little angels. They need correction when they purposefully disobey or show disrespect. According to Sarah Edwards, children need to learn to obey their parents so that they will learn to obey God. 

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise— “so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth” Ephesians 6:1-3.  


Freedom in Surrender


The Raven of Wrath