Wisdom Lesson 2 - Choose Your Friends Wisely

Today we are going to dive into Wisdom Lesson #2, Choose Your Friends Wisely. But before we begin, let’s do a quick review!

Last week we introduced four individuals:

1. The Simple
2. The Youth
3. The Wise
4. The Discerning

Then we dove into Proverbs 1:8 where we found the first wisdom lesson:  

My son, obey the correction of your father

and don’t neglect the teaching of your mother.

This may be the most important lesson because it sets the foundation for all others, especially Wisdom Lesson 2, which is found in Proverbs 1:10:

My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.

 This theme of choosing your friends wisely continues in verses 1-19 through a series of visual word pictures. The son is specifically told to stay away from those who:

            1. Find their identity in their peers
            2. Believe their strength is in numbers
            3. Take advantage of weaker people
            4. Make hasty decisions for greedy gain

However, as we keep reading, a puzzling illustration greets us in verse 17: 

For in vain the net is spread abroad in the sight of any bird.

 At first glance it appears vain to catch a bird that can obviously see the trap. However, a closer examination reveals just the opposite. Consider this: what sort of thoughtless, gullible, and easily-enticed person willingly walks into a trap that is in plain sight?

 If you answered, ‘the simple,’ then you are correct! For only the simple will not consider the trap because their pursuit of greedy gain blinds them to the danger, just like the bird whose appetite leads them to consider only the food and not the net. This is the pursuit of greedy gain which blinds the simple to danger because they live only for the gratification of the present. Unfortunately, this behavior is prevalent in our culture today, and the cost is eternal loss, as we see in Proverbs 1:19:

So are the ways of every one that is greedy of gain; 

which taketh away the life of the owners thereof.

Thankfully, all is not lost. Wisdom Lesson #3 gives hope, even to the simple—if; if they are willing to perform one simple act of obedience. Stay tuned for next week’s lesson to discover what that act of obedience is and what it means for us today.


Dr. Mark Hamby

Recommended Reading:
King Jack (Ages 9-14)
Hand on the Bridle (Ages 9-14)
Crown of Success Audio Drama (Ages 6-11)
Standing with Grace (Ages 12-99)


Wisdom Lesson 3 - Turn at My Reproof!


Wisdom Lesson 1 Listen to Your Parents