A Tale of 50 Tents
Reflective Reading: I Kings 8
I Kings chapter 8 is one of the longest chapters of the Bible. In it, we find a lengthy prayer from Solomon as he dedicates the Temple of the Lord. Of all the prayers in the Bible, this is among the most unusual because of its repetitive nature. For instance, if you took a pen and underlined every time the words prayer, supplication, cry, or plead appeared, you would come up with 30 underlines. That’s a lot!
There is one word in particular that struck me as I was looking it up in its Hebrew meaning. It is the word supplication—a word that has always eluded my understanding. This morning I thought we would give this word a deeper dive and see what we could find. You ready? This is going to be a surprise I can assure you!
First of all, this particular word for supplication appears 33 times in the Bible. In I Kings chapter 8 it appears 11 times with a 12th time in chapter 9 verse 3. (Within a single chapter this word appears over a third of the times in the whole Bible!) Now that is significant. Let’s find out why.
First, let’s define supplication from an English point of view. Our newer modern dictionaries define supplication as the act of supplicating. Now, that’s real helpful! Don’t you love it when they do that?! Webster’s 1828 dictionary defines supplication as “an entreaty; humble and earnest prayer in worship. In all our supplications to the Father of mercies, let us remember a world lying in ignorance and wickedness.” Good old Daniel Webster! If you’re looking for good definitions, never use a modern dictionary printed after 1828! You can’t beat Daniel’s work. (Unless you go to Johnson’s dictionary of 1755.)
Webster’s definition, though good from a Greek and Latin perspective, falls short of the Hebrew meaning. The Hebrews understood the word supplication to carry a deeper meaning than that of the Greeks. To bring supplication before the Lord from a Hebrew perspective was to ask for God’s favor, mercy, and beauty. The ancient Hebrews pictured this word as a seed and a wall, carrying the idea of “continuation” or the “continuation of a wall.”
To fully understand the significance of this, you’ll have to understand a cultural phenomenon. Hundreds of years ago, the Hebrews were nomadic and traveled in tents. When it came time to set up camp, they would connect their tents together in one big circle, creating a tribal wall of up to 50 tents that would bring protection to the community.
Inside the circle was where the community activities existed. It was there they would cook together, eat together, children would play together, and all would enjoy the fellowship of the community. This, to the Jewish community, was how they understood the word supplication. Through their earnest prayers and pleas for God’s mercy and grace they would be able to enjoy the “favor, mercy, and beauty” of their community.
Not making complete sense yet? Hang in there with me. Let’s take a look at the root. The Hebrew word supplication (חן) is the word “grace” or “favor” or “beauty.” The continuation of the wall/tents that form the community is completely dependent upon this word. Supplication is how we reach out to God for his favor and mercy which makes the community beautiful. To bring supplication before the Lord is to request his grace or favor for the continuation of unbroken fellowship and beauty in our relationships. Reaching out to God with our supplication is what causes the walls of the tent to remain strong on the outside so that the sweet fellowship and productivity can take place on the inside.
This is very much like what we find in the LORD’s prayer in the New Testament. Jesus taught us what it takes to maintain the beauty of unbroken fellowship. It requires "Our Father" to give “us” our daily bread. It requires "Our Father" to forgive “us” as a community; to forgive “our” trespasses and lead “us” not into temptation, but deliver “us” from evil. The children of Israel understood the importance of prayer and supplication in relation to the beauty and fellowship of an unbroken community of believers.
The act of supplication, pleading with God for his favor, mercy, and beauty, will result in the meaning of the word supplication—favor, mercy, and beauty. To maintain the unbroken wall of fellowship and enjoyment, we must never forget that the wall is maintained by the prayers and supplications of God’s children. Our Father will take it from there!
Mark Hamby
M.S., M. Div., Th. M., D. Min.
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