Feeds His Flock Like a Shepherd
Reflective Reading: Isaiah 40
Two weeks ago, we learned in Isaiah chapter 40:1-8 how God prepared a way for people in the remotest places to come to him. Mountains were made level, valleys filled, and crooked ways made straight, all to “make ready a people prepared for the LORD” (Luke 1:17). Last week we learned why Isaiah and the Apostle John highlighted the word grass in contrast to His Word. The people would have the opportunity to decide if they wanted to live for what was temporary or eternal.
This brings us to verse 9 where we have the grand announcement of our coming God and King,
“O Zion, that brings good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that brings good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God!”
Don’t you love this?! What a great announcement—“Behold your God!” And there’s more,
“Behold, the Lord GOD will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him.”
Wow! The King is coming, and his reward is with him! In case you didn’t make the connection, this passage is also found in Revelation chapter 22 when John wrote about Jesus’ second coming. (Yet another connection between Isaiah and John!) This section in Isaiah blows my mind! But then, out of nowhere, Isaiah suddenly throws us a curve ball in the next verse. We read,
“He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young” (Isaiah 40:11).
At first glance, this passage of Scripture may not seem puzzling to you, but it is out of sequence. The Jews in Jesus’ day were expecting their King to come in glory, but instead they heard the voice of the Good Shepherd. They wanted Rome defeated and their enemies under their feet, but instead they were told to die to self and go the extra mile. The beauty and wonder of God’s Word is that it is consistently upside down! The first will be last and the last first; if you want to save your life then you need to lose it; rather than an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, you must forgive 70 times 7.
So, why is the beautiful illustration of a gentle Shepherd positioned right after the Lord GOD returning with a strong hand? Isaiah is juxtaposing the paradoxical Divine nature to illustrate the beauty of God’s upside-down kingdom. If we want to experience this radical kind of kingdom life, we must not expect glory. Rather, we should expect sacrifice and suffering—to be poor in spirit and rich in mercy.
The Good Shepherd calls you and knows you by name. He is willing to risk his life for his sheep and will leave the 99 to find that one lost lamb. Once found, he will gather the lambs in his arms and carry them close to his heart. Notice that the Shepherd doesn’t carry the lambs on his shoulders. He carries them close to his heart. Why? So that the little lamb can rest in his bosom and hear the beating of His heart. Isn’t that powerful?
As I bring this to a close, there is a sequence here that can’t be missed. Isaiah writes,
He shall feed…he shall gather…he shall carry…he shall gently lead
These steps are the way of our Good Shepherd. These are the steps that will guide us to love and care for others, that will remove the fear, calm the spirit, and compel others to follow. The sacrifice may be much, but the rewards are far greater. They are eternal.
Mark Hamby
M.S., M. Div., Th. M., D. Min.
Recommended Reading
Little King Davie (Ages 6+)
Little Lamb book/audiobook (Ages 9+)
Peep Behind the Scenes audio/book (Ages 9+)
Joel: A Boy of Galilee book/audiobook (Ages 9+)