Pet Skunk

One slippery night while driving home, my friend Tom ran over a family of skunks. Being the animal lover that he is, he got out, plugged his nose, picked up the one little skunkling survivor, and put it in his trunk.

Nursing this little guy until he was dependent, Tom turned him into the family pet and even gave him his own pillow to sleep on. Needless to say, Tom's house was not a place to go when he wasn't home!

Then, one day, Tom's neighbor came to visit. Not realizing that a live skunk lived there, he sat beside the pillow where the skunk rested. Thinking it was a stuffed animal, he picked it up. He immediately realized that it was heavy and warm! After gingerly setting the skunk-which was now awake-back on the pillow, the neighbor sat in a paralyzed state, unable to speak. He looked like he was about to have a root canal! The skunk jumped off the sofa, lifted his tail, set it back down, walked over to the kitchen for a drink out of its bowl, finally wandered back to the sofa, and went back to sleep! All the while, the neighbor sat in a panicked state of paralyzing fear.

It's been several years since then, and Tom has told me that the skunk has never sprayed anyone. Do you know why that is? Because it has been cared for; it is not afraid. You see, perfect love casts out fear. It really does! And if it works for skunks, it will work for children-and spouses! Let the story of Tom's skunk be a reminder to us that perfect love casts out fear.

Recommended Reading: Nobody Loves Me; Runaway Darling; The Lamplighter

Reader's Testimony

Dear Dr. Hamby,
(I hope this reaches you)

I am teary eyed. Though your Daily Moments has become my favourite e-subcription, bringing me joy, wisdom and grounding every day, today's was extra special.

I am that little skunk. So are my 6 children. We have been spiritually crushed, run-over and almost left for dead, but for the grace of God....

God blessed me with a husband that mirrors Jesus to me and my children everyday, and after 2 years of marriage, I see myself as that little skunk, healing, growing out of fear, because of Jesus' perfect Love that is displayed through my husband on a daily, sometimes hourly basis. God knew what I needed, but more importantly, what my children needed. My 2 youngest have begun to live, to be free, to laugh, to enjoy life. They are free to be themselves, and accept correction better, as opposed to raising their tails in fear and a need to protect themselves.

This story has captured the work of God in my family. My oldest 4 have learned to raise their tails, some immediately at the perception of "danger", even when no real danger exist. We keep praying, keep loving, and have faith and hope in Him who Loves us Best.

I sent this to my husband and shared with him that he has played the role of "Tom" in our lives. It spoke perfectly the truth that is in our home.

Thank you for sharing, thank you for giving, thank you for loving, thank you for your transparency, and thank you for your sacrifices.
Your ministry shines brightly the Way to Peace, Truth and Life through the Lamp of His Word.

With much appreciation,



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