Becoming Great

Batter Up!

The Eyes of a Fool

If You Don’t Work You Don’t Eat - Part 3

I Quit

Discerning God’s Will

The Anointed Tyrant

Denied Power, Part 2
The majority of the students and leadership simply did not know Christ as their Savior. They had a form of godliness, but they lacked the power of God in their lives—until something happened that none of us would ever forget.

Denied Power, Part 1
I will never forget the time when I was asked to speak to a group of Asian college students. The fact that I was not who they were expecting didn’t help what was about to become a difficult situation.

Rise and Build
It’s one thing to talk about God’s favor and another to experience it. Nehemiah knew that once people started working and experiencing the favor of God for themselves, momentum would become spontaneous. In fact, in Nehemiah chapter 3 we have seven occurrences of spontaneous work that results in this unprecedented accomplishment.

Tasting the Miracles
When Jesus turned water into wine at Cana, there was more going on than meets the eye. A closer look at John 2 reveals that the clay pots that Jesus had the servants fill with water were not wine pots—they were water purification pots.

Freedom in Surrender
The Lord has a reason for allowing you to go through this. It may be preparation for something far greater and far harder in the future. These are definitely the last days and for Christians it’s going to get far worse. But understand this, that in the last days there will come perilous times.

Responsibility over Relationship
Responsibility is a necessary part of life, and all children must learn to do their part. However, we parents sometimes give our children too much responsibility, and for the wrong reasons.

Wandering Memories
Our loving Father allows us to go through wilderness experiences, sometimes for years, to prepare us for the abundant blessings He has in store. He has prepared brooks of water, fountains and springs!

Kingly Preparation
Have you ever wondered what sort of childhood preparation allowed David to be one of the greatest kings ever?