Dying of Thirst
When it seems as though we will die of thirst, we must avoid the illusion of the satisfying drink that comes from the wells of this world.

Secret Strength
If I watch or listen to the news it leaves me with a negative outlook; especially what is happening in Afghanistan and what is happening to our beloved country.

Responsibility over Relationship
Responsibility is a necessary part of life, and all children must learn to do their part. However, we parents sometimes give our children too much responsibility, and for the wrong reasons.

She is a Crown
In Proverbs 12 we learn that “A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband.” I never considered this until a friend shared it with me, but the crown Solomon is referring to is the wife.

Not a Joking Matter
Once, I received a humorous email from a friend that made me laugh so hard that it brought me to tears. So I sent the story to my brother-in-law and my two adult boys.

Are you reading “twaddle” to your children?

Train Up a Child

Wandering Memories
Our loving Father allows us to go through wilderness experiences, sometimes for years, to prepare us for the abundant blessings He has in store. He has prepared brooks of water, fountains and springs!

Kingly Preparation
Have you ever wondered what sort of childhood preparation allowed David to be one of the greatest kings ever?