Shrewd Friends - Pt 7

by Professor Colin Smith

The Hebrew word for friend is מֵרֵעַ (mē rēaʿ). This word comes from the word רָעָה (rāʿâ), which means "shepherd." In Psalm 23, it reads: "The LORD (YHWH) is my shepherd (rāʿâ)." Implicit in the word shepherd (rāʿâ) is the idea of protection, provision, companionship, and affection.

Only twice in the book of 2 Samuel the word friend (mē rēaʿ) is used. Both times are about one person: Hushai the Archite. After the rebellion of Absalom in 2 Samuel 15, David knew Absalom’s counselor Ahithophel was shrewd and would give Absalom wise advice. David understood the success of Absalom's rebellion would hinge on Absalom choosing to follow the advice of Ahithophel. This is why David prays in 2 Samuel 15:31 that the LORD would turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness. In the following verse, the LORD answers David's prayer by sending Hushai, David's friend, to him. David places his trust in Hushai and leaves to defeat the counsel of Ahithophel. David knew that his life and the lives of his men counted on Hushai's friendship and loyalty. The trust David has in Hushai proves to be well-placed when Hushai convinces Absalom to take his advice over the counsel of Ahithophel.

In 2 Samuel 15, God uses one good friend to save David's life, the lives of his men, and his entire kingship. That is the power of friendship—the power of a friend. A friend is someone willing to risk their life to protect and provide for us.  

In John 15:15, Jesus, our shepherd, calls us His "friends" and tells us how He will prove His love and friendship to us. He says: Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends. By dying for us, Jesus has rescued us from eternal punishment and provided us a new and abiding relationship with the Father. Like David in 2 Samuel 15, we are in great need of a friend, and God has sent us a perfect shepherd: Jesus.

Recommended Reading:

Little Sir Galahad (Ages 6-11)

Little Miss Moth (Ages 6-11)

Courage of Nikolai (Ages 9-14)

Drawn Together Under Fire (Ages 12-99)


Loving and Sympathetic Friends - Pt 8


Honest and Truthful Friends - Pt 6